
Wrapping up CDMI

If you're in the San Jose area this week, SNIA is holding their Winter Symposium, and we've got a week full of items we're working on to bring the proposed Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) to the point where it can be a finalized standard.

Here's our working agenda:


Some areas of focus include:
  • XML support - Should only JSON be supported, or should XML be included in the standard?
  • Audit Queues - Access audit data via CDMI
  • Transaction Signing - Should S3-style transaction signing be part of the spec?
  • Named Forks - How best to handle files in NFS/CIFS with multiple data forks.
  • Retention - Finalizing what we take from XAM for retention data system metadata.
If anyone has specific thoughts on these topics and anything else related to CDMI, please don't hesitate to reply to this blog entry, or send me an e-mail. (dslik at bycast.com)

I'm also available on twitter as dslik, and I'll be watching for tweets about CDMI and sent to myself.