I enjoyed reading your article, your focus on the issue of user authentication and access control is important as it surely does not get the attention it deserves.
Do you see the security model and user access management for object storage evolving from current ACLs, Active Directory/LDAP or taking a different direction
How do you see the concepts of users and groups evolving?
Authentication of identity is so critical, because it is the foundation of access control, and as you alluded, deserves far more attention than it gets. Fortunately, the rise of a plethora of services on the Internet is forcing the issue of federated identity management, and while systems are not yet mature, there is a strong trend towards common mechanisms by which a user or computer program can have a universal identity that can cross systems.
Examples of emerging standards include OpenID, and Sun's IDM.
On Active Directory
Active Directory, while hugely successful and very valuable in a corporate setting, simply was not designed to accommodate the scale that is needed, nor the timeframes over which identities need to persist. As digital data and archives become core to our civilization, we need ways to ensure that the security of digital data can survive hundreds of years, and things that were often disregarded as "edge cases" must come to the front and centre.
Examples include:
And this ignores many of the challenges that are emerging from the loss of centralized control of systems. In emerging federated cloud worlds, objects may pass from system to system, both trusted and untrusted, and security must be preserved. Much of the challenges associated with the work done to try to build DRM systems is directly applicable to trusted repositories and archives, and the research tells us that this is a really hard problem.
For example, it is still an open debate if it is actually possible to have one user grant a second user access without this enabling that user to grant access to further users. And revoking access can be even more thorny.
Ultimately, we need to move away from the centrally enforced security models to a more distributed security model where objects can float around in systems that do not need to be trusted, and access is granted based on trust relationships. (An example of this is that you may grant an online search and indexing company the privileges to read your data, based on your trust that they will not disclose your data).
While ACLs have developed a reputation of being far too complex to be manageable, I believe that when tempered with methodologies such as Role Based Access Control, it can be made far simpler for the end user and application developer than it is right now.
However, ACLs fundamentally are merely advisory guidelines for a "trusted" system that interprets them to restrict access. ACLs need to evolve to the point where you have "grants" for each privilage, that enable you to perform that action. So if I wanted to share an object with you, I would give you a "grant" that gives you the ability to read a given object or set of objects. This grant could be revoked, and I could engineer it in such a way that you couldn't delegate the grant without revealing your own credentials.
Ultimately, this involves a much more complex multi-actor interaction, and my gut feel is that we can't do this with static objects. This, of course, would mean that revocation of grants could never really be absolute, (unless they expire, but who enforces that, then?) since you can't always ensure that all replicas of a given object are always kept in sync.
Finally, if these systems grow too complex, they won't work. There is much to be said for simplicity, especially in global-scale systems.
Users and Groups
This is always an interesting discussion — Groups provide such a valuable level of abstraction, but introduce so much complexity. I tend to lean towards abandoning the concept of groups as first class entities. If we just have users, we can create a user that is trusted to act as a delegate on behalf of other users. As long as one user can be granted the authority to delegate privileges to other users, we get the same functionality, and distributed group membership can be re-cast as a trust relationship between the owner and the delegator.
My feeling is that this is the only model that will scale.
Much to Consider
This is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, and there are so many additional complexities and challenges associated with security. I'd love to continue this discussion, so if you have any questions, comments or ideas, please don't hesitate to comment.
Also, as I mentioned on my last twitter, there are many other security-related items that I plan to discuss further in a follow-up blog post, covering user identify federation, trust domains, "blind storage", peering, object destruction and more.
- What happens when someone dies?
- What happens when someone gets subpoenaed?
- What about the expiration of statutory rights?
- What if the law determining the length of statutory rights is changed?
And this ignores many of the challenges that are emerging from the loss of centralized control of systems. In emerging federated cloud worlds, objects may pass from system to system, both trusted and untrusted, and security must be preserved. Much of the challenges associated with the work done to try to build DRM systems is directly applicable to trusted repositories and archives, and the research tells us that this is a really hard problem.
For example, it is still an open debate if it is actually possible to have one user grant a second user access without this enabling that user to grant access to further users. And revoking access can be even more thorny.
Ultimately, we need to move away from the centrally enforced security models to a more distributed security model where objects can float around in systems that do not need to be trusted, and access is granted based on trust relationships. (An example of this is that you may grant an online search and indexing company the privileges to read your data, based on your trust that they will not disclose your data).
While ACLs have developed a reputation of being far too complex to be manageable, I believe that when tempered with methodologies such as Role Based Access Control, it can be made far simpler for the end user and application developer than it is right now.
However, ACLs fundamentally are merely advisory guidelines for a "trusted" system that interprets them to restrict access. ACLs need to evolve to the point where you have "grants" for each privilage, that enable you to perform that action. So if I wanted to share an object with you, I would give you a "grant" that gives you the ability to read a given object or set of objects. This grant could be revoked, and I could engineer it in such a way that you couldn't delegate the grant without revealing your own credentials.
Ultimately, this involves a much more complex multi-actor interaction, and my gut feel is that we can't do this with static objects. This, of course, would mean that revocation of grants could never really be absolute, (unless they expire, but who enforces that, then?) since you can't always ensure that all replicas of a given object are always kept in sync.
Finally, if these systems grow too complex, they won't work. There is much to be said for simplicity, especially in global-scale systems.
Users and Groups
This is always an interesting discussion — Groups provide such a valuable level of abstraction, but introduce so much complexity. I tend to lean towards abandoning the concept of groups as first class entities. If we just have users, we can create a user that is trusted to act as a delegate on behalf of other users. As long as one user can be granted the authority to delegate privileges to other users, we get the same functionality, and distributed group membership can be re-cast as a trust relationship between the owner and the delegator.
My feeling is that this is the only model that will scale.
Much to Consider
This is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, and there are so many additional complexities and challenges associated with security. I'd love to continue this discussion, so if you have any questions, comments or ideas, please don't hesitate to comment.
Also, as I mentioned on my last twitter, there are many other security-related items that I plan to discuss further in a follow-up blog post, covering user identify federation, trust domains, "blind storage", peering, object destruction and more.